All about end-to-end traceability 

To start with, let us simplify the jargon. End-to-end traceability is about tracking and tracing your products from the source of the raw materials up to the end consumerIt is also known as the farm to fork traceability model, where one can access the complete supply chain journey of the product and its transformation from raw material to finished goods. 

With consumers getting increasingly brand conscious and aware, it is very important for brand owners to keep track of product movement as to validate claims whenever requiredThe need for validation can come suddenly or could be built slowly along with consumer awareness. One such recent example of this is pandemic outbreak, in which consumers focused on buying on locally manufactured goods have started asking for the source information. It is also because a result of increased consumer awareness as they know that industries are heavily dependent on low cost manufacturing capabilities of China.

Why is end-to-end traceability important? 

End-to-end traceability is important as it lends visibility to the product as it moves down the supply chain. It is integral for business owners to know, at all times, where their products are lying in the supply chain 

End-to-end traceability gains further importance in case of products with short shelf life as it enable them to manage expiries better and ensure minimum product wastage 

In case of product defects, leading to health risks to consumer or legal risks to brand owners, end-to-end traceability enable manufacturers/brand owners to withdraw the affected batches with speed and accuracyThis enables: 

  • Protecting of brand image 

With social media and Youtube, consumers today have the power of making or breaking any brand within hours. Hence, the speed of recalls is essential to protect the brand image since companies cannot afford to let the word spread on social media.  

  • Validating product claims  

End-to-end traceability can be used as an effective tool by brand owners in validating product claims, such as organic, sugar-free, made of coffee beans of certain area, etc. 

  • Making all supply chain partners responsible 

There could be many reasons behind a defected batch, ranging from wrong constitution used at the time of product manufacturing, defected raw material used, rodent problem at the warehouse, bad storage conditions, expiry, etc. However, the responsibility of all defected products rests with the brand owners and it is the brand image which is at stake. 

End-to-end traceability enable brand owners to locate the root cause of problem and pinpoint the responsible party. 

Besides these, there are many other benefits of traceability such as automated data capture leading to freeing up of resource time, and complete visibility in the supply chain.


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